Our boredom makes us Creative.

Mohit Rawal
1 min readJan 23, 2021

Our boredom makes us Creative but don't you think so that something is killing our creativity. Guess what??
You might be right, Our smartphone!
Because whenever we feel bore or have some free time we keep on using our phone and other gadgets. And when we get bore from this we again start social media scrolling. So somewhere phones are killing not only our boredom but our creativity also. As boredom triggers our mind-wandering and this leads to some creative ideas. The side effect of using smartphones is not finite to this, a few days before I read in an article that gadgets are increasing thwarting natural inclination of our brain to learn new things. This is because our brain is not excessively gadget friendly. Somewhere, we, the human, are losing our humane qualities.
Of old, I wonder why the company has provided airplane mode and DND i.e. do not disturb function. But now I find them useful to get out of the stream of social media life. I think we should let our bordom to surface the wandering question. Weather we do far too little creative things but we will find it worthwhile and next time we will not find our creativity to be killed.



Mohit Rawal

The Occasional Writer. Write about those topic which comes from inner self. Ig @_mohit.rawal_